What's on this page?

This page contains two sections, one with scripts (mostly PRAAT) and one with stimuli.
Click here to jump down to stimulus section

Useful Praat Code

This part contains Praat-scripts generated over the years, starting at the MPI Nijmegen in 2003. Following ICPhS 2023, the scripts here were updated to reflect the 2023 syntax. Some of the older scripts were removed and similar scripts were merged into one with options.

  • Some of this scripts will automatically save and possibly overwrite files.
  • These scripts were tested under PRAAT 6.13 and upgrade compatability should not be a problem.
  • If scripts fail to work. please contact: holger (dot) mitterer at um (dot) eut (dot) mt
  • Use these scripts as bricks: some of them will do only rather limited work, but become more powerful if applied to whole directories. How to apply scripts to whole directories rather than single sounds is laid out in the first scripts in the third category.

Scripts for annotations to speech files

  • Generate annotations for multiple files    ##
  • Review annotations for multiple files    ##
  • AUTHOR'S CHOICE:annotate or review, tests whether a TextGrid exists. ##
    • If so, it let's you review the original
    • If not, it generates a new textgrid
  • Set all boundaries in the annotation to zero-crossings of the sound file ##
  • Set all boundaries in the annotation to zero-crossings
    for all sound-textGrid pairs in a directory ##

Scripts for working with annotated or multiple files:

  • Save all selected sounds ##
  • Write non-empty intervals to disc (useful for long, annotated recordings) ##
  • Write non-empty intervals to disc for all sound-textGrid pairings in a directory (useful if you used SpeechRecorder, which you should) ##
  • Write intervals with a certain label to disc (can be useful to prepare cross-splicing)##
  • Extract information from segmented files with interval tiers     ##
  • Extract information from segmented files with point tiers     ##

Scripts for reviewing & manipulating sounds for experiments:

Reading all sounds from a directory and equalizising them in maximal amplitude    ## Reading all sounds from a directory and equalizising them in acoustic energy ## Reading all sounds from a directory and equalizising them to a given dB value ##         (note that this dB value is NOT necessarily the dB value that participants in an experiment will hear)

Generating fade-in and fade-outs

Other manipulations

  • Generating signal correlated noise ##
  • Intensity swapping: given sound A the intensity contour of sound (with duration adjustment)##
  • Generating gated stimuli ##
  • Cross-splicing script (requires preparation with text grids) ##
    plus example stimuli to test the scipt

Generating continua

Generating a continua between two unvoiced speech sound (by sample-by-sample interpolation) ## For generating a continua between two voiced speech sound use, STRAIGHT, I discontinued the method I used for the 2006 paper long ago and use STRAIGTH instead


  • Mask speech with white or speech-shaped noise ##
  • Mask speech with multi-speaker babble (requires long recordings of multiple speakers next to the target recordings) ##

Spectral Rotation

  • Spectral rotation of the selected sound(s) with adjustment of overall spectral shape##
  • Spectral rotation for all sounds in a directory (with parameter for amplitude and spectral shape adjustment) ##


This contains stimuli for older studies, with a focus on the more psychophysical ones.

For newer studies, check out my OSF page
This page contains stimuli, data, and code for everything beyond 2018, for earlier studies, I generate project pages on demand, so let me know when you want stimuli or data from one of my earlier studies.